$50,000 to help kick start projects and events across Uralla
Seventeen local projects will share in $50,000 under the latest round of funding from the Uralla Grants program which was announced today.
Uralla Grants is funded by ACEN Renewables Australia, the developers of the New England Solar project, and is overseen by a Community Reference Group which includes local community representatives.
The program was designed to share the benefits of the New England Solar project with the wider community.
A wide range of local projects and events are being supported via the community grants program from fitness classes, drainage and environmental works, mental health initiatives to community, sporting events and building upgrades.
New England Solar Farm Construction Project Director Tim Greenaway said the Uralla Grants program was designed to share the benefits of the New England Solar project with the wider community.
“It is so pleasing that we’ve been able to support so many projects and events – seventeen in total – in this third round of Uralla Grants,” Mr Greenaway said.
“We’re also impressed with the range of projects and initiatives that have been supported. A key aim of the program is to share the benefits of the New England Solar project right across all areas of the community.
“This year’s recipients will do a great job in helping us to achieve this.
“I would like to thank everyone who made the effort to apply for this latest round of funding and I look forward to seeing the successful projects delivered over the next 12 months.”
Construction on the New England Solar project is well underway, with solar panels, substation works and electrical fit outs all progressing across the renewable energy site. Stage 1 of the project is due to be completed in 2023.
The project is one of Australia’s largest solar facilities currently under construction employing around 400 people and will employ up to a dozen people during operations.
The Uralla Grants program is part of the Community Benefit Sharing Initiative, which was set up during the planning process for the New England Solar project.
Members of a local Community Reference Group helped design the grants program and oversee the final selection of successful applications.
Twenty-six local projects or events have already shared in $100,000 in funding from the first two rounds of the Uralla Grants Program.
Media contact: Anthony O’Brien 0407 264 727
*A list of the latest project recipients is below