About the project

Robbins Island and Jim’s Plain Wind involves the development of two wind projects in the Circular Head region of North West Tasmania. The $3B project is one of the largest private investments ever for Tasmania. Through jobs and procurement, it is expected to generate $600M into the Tasmanian economy during construction, and more than $30M each year for the next 25 years once operational.

The energy generated will help lower power prices for Tasmanian’s with only excess power being exported to the mainland via the existing Bass Strait interconnector, Basslink, and via a second interconnector known as Marinus Link.

Jim’s Plain is located on a low undulating plateau approximately 10km inland from the Woolnorth Wind Farms, near Marrawah. Robbins Island is located on a privately owned island, about 20km from the town of Smithton and has some of the best wind resources on earth.

Wind turbines will be installed on the western two thirds of Robbins Island, that will capture the dominant south-westerly winds in the region. Turbines will be installed at Jim’s Plain with the option to include solar photovoltaic panels and a battery.

Supporting infrastructure

  1. A bridge across Robbins Passage will be built for access during construction and operations. The all-bridge design will preserve the natural assets of the area, while maintaining access for existing recreational activities.
  2. A wharf will be built on the North East of Robbins Island for the import of turbine components and equipment. This will also help to minimise impacts to local roads.
  3. A transmission line approximately 120 km long, to deliver the renewable energy generated by Robbins Island and Jim’s Plain Wind, to the Tasmanian high voltage electricity transmission network at Hampshire Hills.

Project assessment process
Jim’s Plain Wind was approved in 2020. Robbins Island Wind requires approval from three levels of government – the Circular Head Council, Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Tasmania and the Commonwealth Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Approvals at local and state Government level have been granted. A decision by the Commonwealth is expected soon. The Environmental Impact Statement for the transmission line is currently being prepared for submission.

At a glance

  • Up to
    of installed capacity
  • Construction value of
    One of the largest private investments ever in Tasmania
  • Up to
    jobs during peak construction
  • Shared benefits with up to
    per year for 25 years to be invested in the region
  • Offset
    tonnes of CO2 emissions over 25 year project life
  • Estimated
    3-4 year
    Construction stage

Transmission line

Connecting to the electricity grid

A new transmission line is required to connect Robbins Island & Jim’s Plain Wind to the electricity network.

The existing 110 kilovolt (kV) transmission infrastructure in North West Tasmania, connecting the Bluff Point and Studland Bay wind farms, lacks the capacity to support new energy generation. To address this, ACEN Australia is developing a new 220 kV double-circuit overhead transmission line. This transmission line will carry renewable energy from Robbins Island & Jim’s Plain Wind to the network near Hampshire, 30 km outside of Burnie.

At Hampshire, it connects to the high-voltage electricity network supplying power to homes, businesses and industries across Tasmania. Any surplus energy is then exported to mainland Australia via existing and future Bass Strait under-sea electricity cables called interconnectors. ACEN Australia’s strategic investments in Tasmania’s power infrastructure are essential for meeting the State’s growing demand for affordable clean electricity and supporting the national transition towards a clean energy future.

The proposed transmission line alignment traverses an inland route through predominantly commercial forestry land and was chosen in consultation with landholders to minimise impacts to landholders, communities, and the environment.

Click here to download detailed transmission line corridor route map (PDF)



Social investment

ACEN Australia’s Social Investment Program (SIP) is our voluntary contribution to communities. It provides funding now for initiatives that contribute to building thriving and resilient communities and economies.

SIP Guidelines  SIP Application Form

A company that’s all about community

Lasting benefits

The SIP is in addition to a community benefit program proposed to be for when the Jim’s Plain and Robbins Island project is approved and in construction and operations. This proposed program will see up to $900,000 per year (depending upon the total installed generating capacity) over the life of the project invested within Circular Head and Waratah-Wynyard region. In 2024, we will be seeking input from community and stakeholders on what this program looks like to ensure it reflects community needs and aspirations.

Jobs and business

We have a commitment to employ and buy locally where we can so we can keep the benefits local. With such a significant construction investment, it is anticipated that there will be many opportunities for Tasmanian businesses to be involved. Goods and services likely to be procured locally include:

Due to the size of the project and the specialised skill set required, it is likely however that skilled workers from outside the region will also be required during the construction period.

First Nations participation

We acknowledge the First Peoples of Tasmania, their elders past and present, who were and are the keepers of cultural and spiritual knowledge and traditions. We also acknowledge the custodians of the North West Nation clans of Lutriwita (Tasmania), in particular the Parperloihener (Robbins Island) clan. As a company seeking to harness wind, solar and water resources for energy today, we reflect on the contributions made by First Nations over thousands of years. We recognise the value of a better understanding of Aboriginal history and culture, and commit to meaningful participation with First Nations groups to support the protection of country, culture, and the development of their aspirations.

Investing in the past to guide the future

Project updates


ACEN Australia Leadership Changes

After six and half years as Co-founder and CEO, Anton Rohner will be moving on from the role as CEO of ACEN Australia. While Anton…


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56 Goldie Street, Smithton, Tasmania.


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1800 879 088

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